In today's economy it is more important then ever to control costs and provide the latest technological support.
Our program will assist you in both of these areas and at the same time provide your facility with the very best in Service and Repair.
We accomplisth this by providing Qualified Technicians, Open Communications, Competitive Rates, and the latest in Technology and Information.
About Us
- Corrective Maintenance
- Preventive Maintenance
- Refurbished Equipment
- Upgrades
- Calibrations
- Certifications
- Consulting
- Inhouse Support
- Surgery Tables
- Surgery Lights
- Steam Generators / Boilers
-BioMedical Repair programs
Our Services
You need the right company to assist you in HONESTLY controlling costs while providing the latest technological support.
Our program will assist you in both of these areas and at the same time provide your facility with the very best in Service and Repair.
We Accomplisth this by providing Qualified, Experienced Technicians.
We Practice Open Communications, Ensure Competitive Rates, and the Latest in Technology and Information.
Call us at: 888-BIOMED1
Normal Hours of Operation
MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Week Ends: Emergency Call Only
Call office at: 888-BIOMED1 or
Main Office Address:
607 Brazos #G, Ramona, CA 92065
Mailing Address:
PO Box 2889, Ramona, CA 92065